Custom MiniScript Functions Reference

s = String in the form “ObjectName”
f = Float Number in the form 0.2

Function Name: moveObject
Description: This function moves an object to a specific location.
It is in the form => moveObject sObjectName, fX, fY, fZ
Example => moveObject “Cube1”, 1, 2, 3

Function Name: rotateObject
Description: This function rotates an object to a specific rotation.
It is in the form => rotateObject sObjectName, fX, fY, fZ

Function Name: scaleObject
Description: This function scales an object to a specific scale value.
It is in the form => scaleObject sObjectName, fX, fY, fZ

Function Name: setLightObject
Description: This function works on any Light object.
It is in the form => setLightObject sLightObjectName, sHexLightColor, fLightIntensity, sShadowType, fShadowStrength
Example => setLightObject “Light1”, “#FDFDB3”, 1, hard/soft, 0.6

Function Name: openURL
Description: This function opens a URL in an external window. This is useful for various interactive functionality. NOTE: Do not use this for plotJump to jump to other galaxies. It is in the form => openURL sURLLink
Example => openURL “”

Function Name: playSound
Description: This function will play one of the 50 built in sounds. You can select the play type as well such as oneshot or loop. The third input type is if the sound is 2D or 3D sound where 3D sound is spatial sound.
It is in the form => playSound sSoundNumber, sSoundLoopType, sSoundDimensionType
EExample => playSound “20”, “oneshot”, “3D”

Function Name: aniObject
Description: This function will play an animation on an Object (Specifically the first animation) on a model or GLB or GLTF Custom Model you have loaded. It is in the form => aniObject sObjectName, sAnimationNameOrIndex, sPlayMode, fSpeed

Function Name: playAudio
Description: This function will play audio mp3 from a URL (Please supply mp3 from local URL via FileZilla Upload to server my-content or else you will have CORS policy issue). You can select the play type as well such as oneshot or loop. Please make sure you have all the royalty free and permission rights to play the song or music (NOTE: This is not the same as an Ambient ZONE sounds and thus will be heard in the entire plot.)
It is in the form => playAudio sObjectName, sMP3URL, sLooping, fVolume

Function Name: playAmbientAudio
Description: This function will play AMBIENT audio mp3 from a URL using 3D sound or 2D sound (Please supply mp3 from local URL via FileZilla Upload to server my-content or else you will have CORS policy issue). You can select the play type as well such as oneshot or loop. Please make sure you have all the royalty free and permission rights to play the song or music. It is in the form => playAmbientAudio sObjectName, sMP3URL, sLooping, f3DRangeNegativeOneIs2D, fVolume

Function Name: playVideo
Description: This function will play video mp4 from a URL (Please supply mp4 from local URL via FileZilla Upload to server my-content or else you will have CORS policy issue). Please note it will take some time to download the MP4. Please make sure you have all the royalty free and permission rights to play the video.
It is in the form => playVideo sObjectName, sMP4URL, sLooping, fVolume

Function Name: plotJump
Description: This function will jump to any plot within any galaxy you specify. If a plot is locked then it will return a message to the player that the plot is locked. If you do not put in a plot name, genesis will be assumed and loaded from the galaxy you indicate. You can now indicate fX, fY, fZ location to spawn player into. If no location is given (0,0,0) it will assume the base location that is set in the Backend Plot Editor. It is in the form => plotJump sGalaxyDomain, sPlotName, fPlotXLocationToLoad, fPlotYLocationToLoad, fPlotZLocationToLoad, fPlotYRotationToLoad

Function Name: customAvatarAnim
Description: This function will play a custom avatar animation from our listing of Avatar Animations (which can be found on the Chaarmi Website Documentation) when a PLAYER Avatar triggers it. The player can then unlock it via the Movement keys.
It is in the form => customAvatarAnim sAnimationNameOrID, sPlayModeLoopOrOneshot

Description: Here is the CURRENT List of Built In Animations you can choose from

0Female Idle on Chair
1Male Idle on Chair
2Cheer Jump
3Cheer Fist In Air
4Clap with Arms
5Clap Close without Arms
6Go Down On One Knee
7Crouch Idle
8No Way!
9Hello Hand Wave
10Super Hero Pose Ground
11Sitting On Ground
12Sit High
13Sit Low
14Sit Medium
15Swim Forwards
16Swim Idle
18Dance Criss Cross
19Dance Female
20Dance Female 2
21Dance Fun
22Knock on Door
23Pickup From Floor
24Sitting Typing On Keyboard
25Yaay! Woo hoo!
28Combat Crawl
29Fun Skipping
31Sneaky Walk
32Female A Okay
33Female No No No
34Blow a Kiss
35Heart Sign with Hands
36Meditate With Palm Prayer
37Swim Paddle Stroke
38Pickup Item Waist High
39Ring Doorbell or Switch
40Sitting Idle with Slight Head Motion
41Thumbs Up
42Amazing Awesome Cheer Ya You!
43Please Pretty Please!
44No No, Wait!
45Soldier Idle Holding Rifle
46Soldier Idle On Ground Holding Rifle
47Soldier Salute Holding Rifle
48Yoga – Chair Pose
49Yoga – Dancer Pose
50Yoga – Eagle Pose
51Yoga – Extended Hand Big Toe Pose
52Yoga – Hand Big Toe Pose
53Yoga – Reverse Namaste Pose
54Yoga – Tree Pose
55Yoga – Boat Pose
56Yoga – Dolphin Plank Pose
57Yoga – Half Boat Pose
58Yoga – Downward Dog Pose
59Yoga – Forward Fold Pose
60Yoga – Four Limbed Staff Pose
61Yoga – Namaste Pose
62Yoga – Plank Pose
63Yoga – Shoulder Stand Pose
64Yoga – Tadasana Pose
65Model Pose 1
66Model Pose 2
67Model Pose 3
68Model Pose 4
69Model Pose 5
70Model Pose 6
71Model Pose 7
72Model Pose 8
73Model Pose 9
74Model Pose 10
75Model Pose 11
76Model Pose 12
77Model Pose 13
78Model Pose 14
79Cheer You Can Do It!
80Slow Clap
81High Clap
82Clap and Thumbs Up
83Formal Bow
84Two Hand Blow Kiss
85Heart with Arms Side to Side
86Heart with Arms One Side
87I Heart You
88Come Hold My Hand
89Its You
90Dance Side to Side Bob
91Dance Side to Side Bob More Movement
92Cool Shooter Pose
93Heart Elaborate With Leg Up
94Heart Spin and Give To The World
95Heart For You With Hands
96Heart Half Left
97Heart Half Right
98Blow Big Kiss To All
99Love Bullet Pose
100Soldier – Holding Gun
101Soldier – Salute Legs Only

Function Name: messageBox
Description: This function will display an informational message box to the user.
It is in the form => messageBox sTitle, sMessage

Function Name: networkCommand
Description: This function will send a network command to EVERYONEs computer and to the specific object you specify. Please refer to the documentation online for more details on how to use this function.
It is in the form => networkCommand sObject, sCommand, sData

Function Name: removeCollider
Description: This function will remove all colliders including colliders in the child objects of any object you name here. It is in the form => removeCollider sObject

Function Name: renameThisObject
Description: This function will rename this object. This is specifically for GLB and files that have been imported in. It is in the form => renameThisObject sObjectName

Function Name: localJump
Description: This function will do a local plot jump to any other object you place in the scene. Make sure you name it correctly. It is in the form => localJump sObjectName

Function Name: makeNPC
Description: This function will create an NPC out of any object. It could be a virtual avatar or anything you want to place in the scene. NPCs are LOCAL to a player and are not seen rotating or interacting with others. Each user must interact with an NPC on their own. It is in the form => makeNPC sObject, fYOffset, fShowTime, sGPTRole, sMsg1, sMsg2, sMsg3, sMsg4, sMsg5, sRandomOrSequential, sSFXorNone, sGPTEnabled, sObjectWithMiniscriptToRunAfter, sTurnToPlayer

Function Name: examineObject
Description: This function will allow you to examine or inspect any object in the scene you specify. It is in the form => examineObject sObjectName, fExamineDistance, sBGHexColor, sTitle, sDescription

Function Name: examineObjectWithButton
Description: This function will allow you to examine or inspect any object in the scene you specify and add a Button that goes to a URL. It is in the form => examineObjectWithButton sObjectName, fExamineDistance, sBGHexColor, sTitle, sDescription, sButtonTitle, sButtonURL

Function Name: runObjectCode
Description: This function will allow you to run the code on any other object in the plot. It is in the form => runObjectCode sObjectName

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